Feb 23


On the 19th of August 2018, annual sports day is organised by the Sixth-form society and participated by all members of it.


All the sixth form students were gathering in the auditorium for warm-up exercises.

竞赛开始前,老师正在示范“Zumba” 舞蹈以让学生热身。

Teacher is demonstrating ‘Zumba’ dance so that students can use this to warm up before events start.


The students followed the movement of teacher to warm up their bodies.


In order to make their team win, the students are fully engaged in the competition with the opponent.


In the game, the students worked together and helped each other. This makes the relationship between the team became closer.


The teacher presented the prize to the team that won the competition.


All the participants and the teachers have a group photo before dismiss.

Feb 23


On 14th of August 2018, 72 form six students from our school formed 12 teams under the guidance of five teachers , they went to Kedah to participate in the “2018 Innovation Teaching Competition” held by the University of Northern Malaysia.


Participants arrived and took a picture of them at the Universiti Utara Malaysia. Participants prepared to participate the competition.


Participants are explaining clearly about their products to the judges according the criteria.


本校的 “E 城市”  作品不但获得金奖还获得了中学组合最佳作品奖。

Our school won a total of 3 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 5 bronze medals. A group of upper six students won the gold medal but also won the best works award among middle school group.

Feb 18

2018年8月10号,本校大学先修班同学会在本校LT1举办了一年一度的常年大会。此活动也意味着2017/2018的执委会已卸任,2018/2019将由新一批的执委带领这个团队,迎接更美好的未来。2017/2018的执委会主席也劝新一届的执委们可以向上一届的执委学习。                                                                                                                                                             On the 10th of August 2018, Heng Ee High School Sixth Form Society had an annual general meeting (AGM) in LT1. This event representing the committee for 2017/2018 has to pass their jobs to the new committee. The president of 2017/2018 gives an advice to the new committee that they should learn from the seniors to lead the team better.


Photos of the upper 6 and lower 6 students together after AGM.