Sep 13


On 23th of June 2019 (Saturday), Form Six students from Penang Heng Ee High School attended the Penang Lay Buddhist Society Vegetarian Charity Food Fair which organized by the Buddhist Association at Kulim, Butterworth.


Form 6 students that joined this event take a photo together before the event starts.


The program was supported by our school principal and the students. One of the stall owner shared with us about their significance of this program and how it helps the society.


The organizer presented a souvenir to the students as an appreciation for those who helping.


Lastly, the students took a photo before leave.




Sep 13

2019年6月17日, 恒中中六学生举办了教师节。

On 17th of June 2019, Sixth Form Society have organised Teacher’s Day Celebration.


Form 6 students prepare food for Teacher’s day and align the food on the table to facilitate the teachers and students to get food.


Form 6 students waiting for the Teacher’s day celebration to start.


After that, teachers started to queue up to get the delicious food prepared by our form 6 students.


Some lower 6 students prepared a series of performance for teachers.


The end of teacher’s day celebration, teachers and form six students have a memorable day.

Sep 13


Sixth Form Society has organised a 3 days 2 night camp from 27 to 29 of May 2019 in school to foster relationship among all form 6 students.


Committees are cleaning the class that will used as hostel for the campers.


On 27th of May 2019, campers came to register in the early morning.


A photo was taken after opening ceremony.


Campers become close through games and activities in the camp.


Campers worked hard together to prepare the lunch for second day of camp.


Camp Chronos Journey ended successfully on 29th of May 2019.

Jul 30

2019年3月9日,恒毅中学中六圣约翰救伤队举办了有关于急救(First-Aid)、自动体外心脏去颤器(AED)的讲座会及让同学们有机会学习伤口特效化妆(Casualty Makeup)。

On the 9th of March 2019, members of St. John Ambulance held the first-aid, AED talks and also casualty makeup.

Dr. Lawrence Tan Chor Loon分享有关于AED和first-aid的知识。

The knowledge about AED and First-Aid shared by Dr. Lawrence Tan Chor Loon.


Students learned to use AED for emergency purposes.


Mr. Ng Kar Hong介绍特效化妆所需用的材料,然后亲自示范给同学们看。

Mr. Ng Kar Hong introduced the ingredients used for casualty makeup and also made a demonstration to the students.


The picture above was the demostration piece of Mr. Ng Kar Hong.



They tried to done their works using their imagination and creativity.

陈雪云老师和谢清云老师颁发纪念品给Mr. Ng Kar Hong。

Madam Tan Sook Hoon and Madam Cheah Cheng Hoon awarded the souvenir to Mr Ng Kar Hong.



This activity ended successfully.


Feb 27


On 16 February 2019, Heng Ee Form 6 students have participated in the Chap Goh Meh celebration.


They are decorating for Chap Goh Meh celebration.


The teachers gathered together to carry out “ Yee Shang” event.



Throwing mandarin orange is definitely a must in the Chap Goh Meh celebration.


After the event end, they left an unforgettable memory.

Feb 27


On 19th of January 2019, form 6 students organised a series of activities for the Chinese New Year celebration, including cleaning up classes in Bangunan Wawasan, decorate compound in Bangunan Wawasan and also making Chinese New Year card design competition.


Form six students clean the compound in Bangunan Wawasan.


The principal and the judges took photo with the three piglets made by students at the sixth floor.


The principal and the judge took a photo with the participants of new year card design competition from 6AS1.


Feb 27


Form 6 students from biology class spent their holiday well by decorating the empty land beside the school canteen with the cooperative of member of Environmental Protection Society in our school.


The members of the Environmental Protection Society and the form six students work together to decorate the biogarden.


Walkway is build in biogarden to ensure other students can walk in for rest or relax without destroying any plants in the biogarden.


Small gravel is placed on the walkway and enclose it with the bricks to make the walkway look cleaner and tidy.


Bricks are coloured with different colours to make the monotonous walkway full of color.


Planting in black soil allows plants to thrive. The swan landscaping also makes the entire garden looked more attractive.


The students also do not forget to decorate the deserted corners to make it become more lively.

After the completion of the biogarden, the sun shines and shows the beautiful of this garden.

Feb 24


On 20th of December 2018, form 6 students from Sixth Form Society have organised a Dongzhi event to celebrate the winter solstice.


After the registration , the students began to gather at a specific location to play the game.


Students try their best to participate in the activities and complete the tasks.



The glutinous rice dumpling competition began, the students worked hard to complete the competition.


Students were preparing the ingredients for the glutinous rice dumplings so that it have different taste and colours.


The teachers are reviewing the rice dumplings made by the students to choose the winner of this competition.

Feb 24


On the 31st of July 2018, Students from 6RS2 represented school has participated in World Invention Creativity Olympic (WICO).


Teacher from Form Six and students of 6RS2 who just reached Korea were preparing to participate in the innovation competition.


After the competition ends, students of 6RS2 did well in their competition and won three gold and one silver medals.


The last day in Korea, the students and teachers were prepared to leave Korea and come back to Penang.

Feb 24

2018年10月13日,本校中六生参与了由Inti University & College Penang 举办的工作坊。同学们可以自行从3个工作坊里选一个参加。那三个工作坊分别是关于工程学,大众传播和商业管理。

On the 13th of October 2018, form 6 students from our school have participated in the workshops organised by Inti University & College Penang. Students can choose from 3 workshops which are engineering, mass communication and business to participate in.


Students were doing experiment about the electrical engineering.


They participated in mass communication workshop which emphasizes the importance of journalism to our lives.



Those who participated in the business workshop was playing a game to see who is the richest in this game.


We took a pictures of us to thank the organizer for giving such opportunities to let us join these workshops.